Sunday, August 26, 2012

Analog Video Capture Card choices - conversion of analog video signals to digital

With the new digital age in full swing as those who have an analog video capture equipment looking for a means of recovering the hardware they already underway. Lets face facts, there are still many analog surveillance cameras that do their job very well, simply discarding digital alternatives would be a waste.

In a situation where multiple analog surveillance cameras are in place to review the system and replace any analog camera with a camera could cost a lot of time and money. Fortunately there are many devices that convert the analog signal from a digital surveillance cameras, avoiding the need for the devices must be replaced immediately.

Today's video capture cards are able to process the video signal from security cameras, both analog and digital, they are generally known as DVR cards, DVR internal cards can be plugged into a PCI slot, these are commonly found on inner part of the majority of personal computers.

The differences between the low cards and features the latest high-end models are significant, you will find the very cheap cards accommodate up to four cameras on top of this low-end cards tend to capture video at frame rates very low. Low frame rate can be useful if you need to ensure video recording that only uses a small amount of storage space but the resulting video presents an irregular behavior during playback.

Another feature to look out for when considering a DVR card is how well the job is about audio processing, low-end cards may have features audio you can find, but you are not able to record the audio signal from each camera connected to the card. High Spec DVR cards can be connected to the PCI Express slots in modern PCs is found that the slot is not as trivial as the PCI standard, but the interface is superior because it allows a PC to transfer data faster between a piece of hardware attached mother and systems. DVR cards that are designed for mounting on a PCI-Express usually have a rate of improvement of the structure because the PCI slot can handle more data on a longer period of time short compared to its counterpart PCI.

It 's quite amazing to see how the functions are integrated into the latest DVR cards on the market, many of them share the same functions as conventional security recorders. It is not uncommon to find DVR cards that have multiple alarm inputs, alarm outputs and motion detection capabilities. Features such as these allow users to save storage space as the video card only to enable the system to capture video when motion is detected or when an alarm is activated offline.

Even low-cost DVR cards include software that allow you to view feeds from surveillance cameras on the PC monitor, depending on the software you may find can be configured to e-mail when the card DVR detects motion or when a system alarm is activated. When considering a DVR card manufacturer to check the guidelines on what type of PC is required to receive the card, also watch out for the number of security cameras that can be connected to the card and also take note of how many frames per second paper is able to capture during the video processing .......

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