Monday, August 20, 2012

Desire and expectation

The Law of Attraction is set in motion when you create a cause that will attract to you what you want (the effect). No pulling, no coercion. An effort, attraction constrained.

To use the Law of Attraction and the law of cause and effect to your highest good, you must incorporate two things: desire and expectation. Without both, you attract what you do not want or do not get what you want.

Attract what you want is a dual commitment. Just as the creative process involves both the thoughts and beliefs, the conscious and the subconscious, the objective and subjective, males and females, requires both the desire and expectation. Without both, the Law of Attraction can not work.

We want to use the law of attraction to bring the things we want in our lives because it embodies the truth of universal harmony, goodness, spiritual power and ease. The Law of Attraction is known as "like attracts like" and can be observed in the physical plane, studying the power of magnetism. If like attracts like, then we see that there is a fundamental principle of Harmony. The definition of Harmony: "accord, agreement, an agreement pleasant." We can not attract to us everything that is not in agreement with us. We can not attract to us what belongs to another. We will remove anyone or anything when we use the law of attraction. Harmony is served when we left the Law of Attraction to do its job.

The same can be said of its spiritual power and ease. The magnet does not overpower the iron filings to make them adhere to it. The magnet does not force the chips to move towards it. The magnet attracts the shaving iron to it. There is power balanced and comfortable. Similarly, we are not using the power of human will or by force or coercion when we use the law of attraction. When we let the law do the work, all the power of the Spirit behind. There is an ease in our use of it. We are not tired, because no force is used or will power. We set in motion the cause and the law determines its effect.

So let us set the Law of Attraction in motion by the proper use of desire and expectation in our minds. The word desire is very spiritual, because it can be divided into de-father - of (de) Father (father). The Father. Spirit. This is the male principle, conscience, thought the part of the creative process. There must be a desire to set the Law of Attraction in motion. Desire is telling the Universe what you want. And 'the "selection" of the writings of Thomas Troward, is the "will" by Ernest Holmes. Nothing can begin without a cause, a mind thinking a thought.

If cornered, not many people can state their wishes in a concise and powerful. They may have some vague notion of what it would be nice or what kind of daydreaming about. The law is defined and precise. We must be defined and precise in our work with it. We must be defined and precise in our stating our desires.

And then we must expect. Without expectations, the creative process can not be satisfied. (Spirit, Soul, Body, Mind, Law, Demonstration) Desire without expectation is only wish and hope and dream. The expectation is the belief, the feminine, subjective. (What we call pregnant women -?! Expecting) Waiting is the power of design. And 'the power that makes the lure. If we do not expect, the law can not do its job.

Since everything is already in mind, your desire is connected with that what you want, and the expectation that it brings to you. Do not want something that does not expect to get and do not expect anything that you do not want. The first is a waste of mental energy and the second can be disastrous.

Let the Law of Attraction work for your highest good. Be defined in your desires and firm in our expectation. This is the winning combination .......

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