Sunday, August 26, 2012

Google AdWords - How keywords relate to Score

Using the Google AdWords system can bring the perfect type of traffic to your website. Studies have shown that AdWords advertising has a conversion rate of up to 10 times greater than natural or organic traffic. This is the conversion rate that makes pay-per-click advertising and AdWords in particular such a powerful tool.

One of the keys to optimizing Google AdWords campaign is the relevancy of the keywords you use. There are a number of types of search phrases that may be included in your AdWords campaign. These phrases will determine how your advertising is activated.

As an example we will be selling products related to the concept of "leadership training". Imagine that our product is a DVD video course to teach leadership skills.

. 1) Broad Match: leadership training

With this type of correspondence with the keyword or phrase entered in AdWords without quotation marks or brackets. Any research that includes the keyword in any form will trigger the ad.


boy scout master training and community leadership

This sentence would trigger the ad because it is "leadership" and "education" in the search phrase, but it might not be the perfect solution for the search. Broad match keywords can lead to a greater click through rate, but fewer sales.

. 2) Phrase Match: "The leadership training"

A meeting sentence entered by putting quotation marks around the keyword or phrase. In this case, the announcement could be activated only if the user search the phrase contains in the order indicated.


boy scout master training and community leadership would not be sufficient to determine the ad, but leadership training for teachers in the Boy Scout community would.

. 3) Exact match: [leadership training]

To enter an exact phrase match in AdWords the phrase is in parentheses. In this case, a user must look for the exact phrase to trigger the ad.

The variations of different keywords will give you the ability to control the quantity and quality of your traffic. Broad match keywords can generate large amounts of traffic, but they cost money in the long run, because they are so general. Words Match Phrase allow you to narrow your target audience. Exact match keywords allow you to focus on a target market. All have their place in your Google AdWords campaign and you should use them all.

Using different types of keyword variations gives you the ability to control how and when your ad is presented. Keywords active broad-matched keyword when the ad is placed in a search phrase in any combination. Words Match Phrase only trigger your ad when the phrase appears in the search order. Exact match keywords will only activate the ad when the exact phrase is searched.

Google AdWords is a powerful tool and can increase the quality of your site traffic immensely. To take advantage of the system is necessary to understand how it works and how it work for you.

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