Saturday, August 25, 2012

EBay Affiliate Marketing

eBay has had an affiliate marketing program since 2001. It has since grown to over 60 000 members worldwide and continues to grow. How does it work? To put it simply, once you join eBay as an affiliate, which is free, then you should get your own website (if you already have one, you will use your existing website) and then strategically place links within the Your site eBay. Once this is done, your ultimate goal is to have visitors to your site click on these links eBay. When they do, this is how you make your money. People click on the link and you get paid. Traffic to eBay seems pretty easy, especially because eBay is a popular site.

eBay usually pays out between 51 and 76 percent of the revenue they make. Will be paid every time someone clicks on the link from your site eBay. It is also paid if the traffic from your eBay site, the user signs on eBay and then they go to use the auction services within 30 days of signing.

Other ways to make money through affiliate marketing eBay - Another way to make extra money is to take advantage of your site and your affiliate account to drive traffic to their auctions. With a little coding 'of creativity, when someone clicks on the link to eBay, which will continue to stay on your site, but there will be real-time query to eBay that will open it without leaving your current site. There is no way a way to make money with eBay affiliate marketing, many others have their own websites and others are using blogs to drive traffic to eBay.

How do you make money? The money is paid to affiliates if the traffic that is driven not equivalent to a sale or a new registered eBay user. So basically there are two ways to make money. The first is when you drive traffic to eBay and this is equivalent to a sale. The second is whether to drive traffic to eBay and it amounts to someone signing as a new user. After the new user is confirmed that amounts to them that they either bought something or participated in an auction within 30 days of registration, you will then get between $ 25 and $ 35 (depending on how many users are sent in a given month) . You also get a portion of revenues generated from the sale of products purchased by the customer clicking on your link.

As you can see, Affiliate Marketing eBay can be very lucrative if you stick with it and apply it yourself .......

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