Sunday, August 5, 2012

Children and Divorce

Every relationship suffers when there is a break, a separation or divorce, of course, that if there are children, they are also involved in this painful process that entails not only the couple but also their offspring.

Both the couple and the family are considered a relationship that involves all the members who compose it, ie, what affects one affects everyone differently, but it definitely affects them, some more than others, and Some differently than others.

Even though we live in a system in which most children are raised by the mother, father, also plays an important role in this context. The relationship and its forms and ways of holding the bond always has an impact on the lives of their children.

The separation and rupture of the parents have different effects according to the age of the children. Younger children seem to be more exposed to all these avatars as their psychological training is under development. However, teenagers also have problems understanding this separation or loss. Some adults show great surprise and feelings when their parents decide to separate.

For all it is a grieving process that must assume, his circumstances changed and everyone has to undergo rupture and the new conditions of their reality. Modification of safe and predictable change.

No one can know for sure how they will be affected the members of this family constellation, however, there have been some overt behaviors in children and adolescents, such as: aggression, rebellion, apathy, poor school performance, isolation and conflict in social relationships and authority, among others.

It is likely that children are intolerant or angry with one of the parents, both with themselves or with their current situation. Because it requires dealing with a conflict with mixed feelings and they feel their security has gone overboard. These processes may be more or less intense, according, to the time and the separation process of the link partner.

It is an undeniable fact that human beings have unlimited resources to heal, to convert our lives, to rebuild and adapt to new circumstances, not without crisis and without a healing process.

It is therefore important to be aware of this and be very careful in how each of the children and members of the couple is affecting this. And even if it is determined separation is necessary, go through a process of development and personal growth.

Thanks for reading my mission is the emotional quality of life. Cecreto is a support center for human relationships. And we are committed to the development of children and couples ...

And we have electronic equipment to overcome the pain in couples and build lasting relationships and healthy, but all change starts with oneself.


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