Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm still Scout

You have never seen legs on the street, walking with a short sleeve blue shirt, collectors seem combi, but beware, they are, with many patches on the shirt, ha! and most distinctive, with a scarf of many colors (sometimes one color depending on whether the group)?. Well that might be a basic description of a scout as seen on the street, very different to ordinary civil.

I am a scout for several years and since I really liked from what I then offered my group, and the Scouting movement is one of the world's largest working with children, adolescents and adults based on a law its ten articles, very concise, written in the handwriting of Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, better known as Baden Powell or BP, created a very particular way of life and are now thousands of people around the world . At one time there were those in Cuba, that long ago but long.

Believe me to be in a group is fun, you gain many experiences, learn new things, many things happen in it, because when you hold him dear to the group feel you should support it, grow it, create solutions to problems that may arise You feel a little responsible for it, is a symbiotic relationship in which you are the guest and you can choose to stay and go when there is nothing that can offer you or your him. Although the most important before the group is to belong to the group only movement is the body that helps you enter it.

camps, starting with the organization but in the end not so organized, giving the camp more emotion than you think, because you can end up eating potatoes cooked in clay, which end not so cooked with tuna and nothing else but rich, but if food and cook there is a mess in the kitchen as they end with masacote of noodles, salt filled cause, among others, but that's the fun because if you do not do well end up eating the richest you can cook anything at all If they can eat something bought but may store nearest this one than another couple of miles. out of food, the experience of outdoor living away from everything, knowing other places, is great, and if at first you do not appreciate how nice all around you there will be more eager to return to another camp to observe the sky, at night the clouds, inhale fresh air, no annoying sound of birds, landscapes, everything!, the mystique that there is amazing. walking with a short sleeve blue shirt, collectors seem combi, but beware, they are, with many patches on the shirt

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