Friday, August 3, 2012

Love Moorings Four effective and fast easy to do in Your Home

If you need only look upon you, I want to conquer it or want to separate two people, here are three moorings effective and fast love. For you only look at you, I recommend cutting the petals of 3 yellow roses and dip them in a container (preferably silver or glass). Do the same with 5 red roses. While the latter introduce repeated with conviction that is the same color that is your love, you should feel the same for you and only have eyes for you.

If you just want to win back someone recommend another of the ties of love fast and effective. Faced with a prayer card with the image of San Antonio light a red candle, one white and one yellow, praying to the spirits of fire, water and earth to help you in your quest to regain the love of that person. Finish the sentence by saying "Amen."

If you just want to sweeten your feelings when you think you can make these ties of love sugar fast and effective. Place white sugar on a plate and a red candle goes over to coat. Invert the candle and light it with a match. Repeat in the same way you spend sailing, similarly invest the feelings of that person to become sweet to you.

The last of the ties of love fast and effective is to write two different pieces of paper the names and surnames of the people you want to separate. Place the papers in a glass or full glass of water and covering the mouth of it with a piece of black cloth that you tie up. Put the glass in the freezer and pray that the two people apart. Do not defrost the glass until your request is fulfilled.

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