Saturday, August 4, 2012
The Nahual
The nagual By Jose Luis Giménez If we look in the encyclopedias of Mexican lexicon the word "Nagual," we find the following definition: "nagual or nahual. (The Nahuatl nahualli.) M. 1. Animal (the most common legend says it is a hairy black dog) he becomes a witch. " But this description we will be very short and confusing, as its meaning goes far beyond that definition. The word Nagual or nahual comes from a culture before the Maya. From the time of the Olmecs and Toltecs later, until the period prior to the conquest of the Aztec empire by the Spanish, had been considered the Nahua as the heirs of the arts, wisdom and perfection of human beings. Indigenous peoples of those times were considered by both holders of such virtues attributed to the Nahua. There was a school or call Calmecatl council, which aims to empower all those men who accept and follow the doctrines of the Toltequidad, who, once initiated, they were generally called "Warriors", although other definitions are also known as "Eagle" or the Tiger Jaguar. This definition of warrior had nothing to do with its literal meaning, but with the concept of fighting more important than a human can perform: to raise consciousness, or as they say some: heart bloom.
Calmecatl At school, the main or basic lay in the ability to learn through observation, search and research. Toltequidad principle was based on a partition or division of the world on three concepts: 1 What is known, 2 º What is not known, but it is knowable, and 3 than was ever known. Also, the Toltecs added to what is known in the world for us all, an energy concept, that is, for them, everything is composed of different energy charges. Thus, while the normal or everyday world, we can perceive through reasoning, when we enter the world of Toltequity, is only noticeable if we can avoid the use of reason. To understand this concept, we must remember that the conformation of the human body is not only what our eyes can see. In other words, the stuff we are made, consists of cells, which have molecules and these in turn are composed of atoms. Thus, we reach the conclusion that: as the atom energy load, the body itself is a set of such loads, and therefore, can be described as an "energy being" or light.
Due to this concept, the Toltecs did not see the world as composed only of material objects, but the energy fields that surround them are those who constitute the only reality to which transcendental called "Eagle's emanations." In order to assimilate all that the world can offer Toltequity who has entered it, the Toltecs were related to what they called "The Inner Dialogue", where the initiate performs a mental conversation with himself, steadily, assimilate it received as close to their attention. According to the principles of Toltequity, all those powers and capacities of knowledge, are included in the human body, which has a close relationship with the cosmos and the Earth. Thus, in the Toltequity, there are two different aspects of knowledge: that which came to be called "Tone" and that would correspond to the rational consciousness or "normal", which would be assigned the right side of the body, and the so-called " Nagual ", which would correspond to the subtle aspect of consciousness, ie, the altered state of consciousness, and that would relate to the left side of the body.
It is in this area or aspect of the "Nagual" where the teacher leads the learner to access knowledge that, because when the learner returns to the state of the world "Tonal" often does not remember the foreground. Hence, to remember the lessons, the learner must perform other post-processing, which will have done a great collection of energy. Calmecatl in the world "Tone" is the space for the common life and ordinary human beings, we find the sense and reasonable meaning to our existence, but limited by the concepts of reason, while in the world "Nagual "would be all that was not understood in the world" tonal ", ie, the reason can not understand its concept, although it can be proved by the experience. Hence, the "Warrior" does not bother him not to understand or rationalize the world experience the "Nagual", as their misunderstanding, does not diminish the experience.
For the evolution of the "Warrior" is fundamental harmony and balance between the two worlds of "Tone" and "Nagual" because each is based on the other. Thus, if the "Tone" is strong yet flexible, permit to operate "Nagual", because the more it strengthens the Tonal less clings to the ideas and facts, thus enabling better performance " Nagual "as to experience the" Nagual "need only have enough energy that will be provided by the fluidity and flexibility of Tonal. The "Warrior" learn the difference between "looking" and "see" which would essentially to "look" is to make sure that what we perceive through sight, is what reason tells the world, while "see "represents the human ability to perceive or intuit other realities. But there are other definitions or aspects of what is a "Nagual" or "Nahual" to collect it the legends refer to the time of arrival of the Spanish in Mexico. According to legend, when the Spanish began their conquest of the Aztec Empire, there were many Calmecatl school teachers, who hid in places where they could be discovered.
Some of these teachers hid in Tula, to meet later at the foot of the Atlanteans. Because Hernán Cortés sent his soldiers in search of these teachers, without positive results, began running stories about them, saying that these teachers who were known as "animal companions" were transformed into wolves or coyotes, for attacking women and babies to eat. Thus, farmers are not intended to aid the "nagual." Hence all the stories later emerged that spoke of the "Nagual" as a wizard who became a wolf or coyote in the best of times, adopting other forms according to the stories that have come down today. and indeed, when the "Nagual" was captured by soldiers of Hernán Cortés, did not surrender, fighting to the death, preferring death to falling into the hands of the Holy Inquisition. Thus reinforcing the beliefs of the Inquisitors to say that these Indians were possessed by demons, preferring to die than surrender. According to the traditions of the descendants of these "animal companions", a series of conditions that are mandatory for the "Nagual", these are: Do not respond with violence even in self defense, except in case of life or death . not affected by the insults, it may affect only actions. Caring for people who come for help, asking nothing in return. What matters is the intention to persevere always in stock. Defending justice, not revenge. Foster always peace. There are other pieces relating to the Nagual, then we present a small selection of The Rule of the Nagual, by Carlos Castaneda.
"The power that governs the destiny of all living creatures is called the? Eagle, not because it is an eagle or has anything to do with an eagle, but for the visionary appears as an immense black eagle, standing, as the eagles stand, its height reaching to infinity. " "The? Eagle, that power which rules the destinies of all living creatures, is a reflection and at the same time it contains all living beings." "In order to guide the creatures to the window, The? Eagle created the Nagual. The Nagual is a dual creature who" plan "has been revealed. Whether in the form of an animal, plant, or any other living thing, the Nagual by virtue of his dual existence is always looking for the window. " Other definitions and aspects relating to Nahual is found in the character of D. Juan Matus, Carlos Castaneda described in the book "Magical Passes", where we present an excerpt. "At one time, I questioned Don Juan about something long ago I was worried. He had claimed that sorcerers of ancient Mexico discovered the magical passes, which were a sort of treasure hidden in the depths of time for man I could discover.
Wanted to know who hid something for which humans find it. The only idea I could be the matter came from Catholicism. I thought that "someone" could be God or a guardian angel or the Holy Spirit. -It is not the Holy Spirit told me Don Juan, which is only holy to you because you're secretly a Catholic. And it certainly is not God the benevolent father that you imagine when you use the term "God." Nor is a goddess, a mother who nurtures and cares for man, as many believe. It is rather an impersonal force that has infinite possibilities to offer to those who dare to look. It is a force in the universe, such as light or gravity. It is a binding factor, a vibratory force that brings together the conglomerate of energy fields that are human beings in a single unit, concise and consistent. This vibratory force is the factor that prevents the entry or exit of the luminous energy. "The sorcerers of ancient Mexico, he went thought the execution of his magic was the only factor driving the body prepared and corroboration to the transcendental existence of such a unifying force.
From the explanations of Don Juan came to the conclusion that the vibratory force of the speaker, the force that brings our energy fields, is apparently similar to what modern astronomers believe happens in the core of all galaxies that exist in the cosmos. The theory is that in the core or center of these galaxies, a force of incalculable power remains in place the stars in each galaxy. This force, called "black hole" is a theoretical interpretation would seem to offer the most reasonable explanation of why the stars do not disperse, driven by its own velocity of rotation. Don Juan said that the old sorcerers knew that human beings, considered as a conglomerate of energy fields, cohesion should not wrap ligaments or energy, but maintaining a vibration at a time, marriage and life. Don Juan explained that those sorcerers, thanks to their practice and discipline, became able to handle that vibratory force, after taking fully aware of it. Expertise in the management became so extraordinary, that their actions were transformed into legends, mythological events that existed only as fables.
For example, one of the stories that don Juan had on the old witch said they were able to dissolve their physical mass only put the total of his conscience and his attempt in this force. Don Juan said that although they were able to pass through the eye of a needle if deemed necessary, they never feel completely satisfied with the results of this move for the dissolution of its mass. The reason for their dissatisfaction was that once the mass had been dissolved, its ability to act disappeared. Only they had the option of witnessing events in which they were unable to participate. The resulting frustration, unable to be a consequence of the action became, according to Don Juan, in the failure to condemn them: his obsession to discover the nature of the vibratory force, an obsession born from concreteness, had they wished to retain and control that force. His fervent desire was to get that control from a ghostly condition, physical massless. Something that, according to Don Juan, it was impossible to achieve. The practitioners of our time, cultural heirs of those sorcerers of old, opted, once discovered the impossibility of managing the vibratory force from a specific position and utilitarian, the only rational alternative: become aware of this force without seeking other purpose as well providing elegance and knowledge.
"In conclusion, we understand the" Nahual "as the master of the apprentice sorcerers and shamans, who transmit to them, the lessons learned over hundreds of generations. Jose Luis Giménez jlgimenez @
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