Wednesday, August 8, 2012

View Of A Stranger On The Mexicans

In Mexico, people are so stupid to pay for their own subordination! Nothing more is there to see them more and more taxes imposed that only serve to enrich politicians and at the same time

pay the police force to suppress them when they argue against taxes. And Mexicans, watching TV.

While the government continues plunging Mexico into the most deplorable and extreme poverty, debt and continues to give all the wealth and the country's economy to foreigners in exchange for favors and millions of dollars to the wealthy class of the country, what makes this ball of idiots poor Mexicans?, are watching football and soap operas

Mexican has the power in your hands, first civil resistance PAC? FICA, pushing the economy off the TV to tell the truth, do not eat in these foreign retail chains, if you go up the tortilla, do not buy shit! as if, after the tables there was nothing, you will see as not to consume seven days you lower it, thanks to people like YOU have to pay for parking where the hell you go, leaving your stroller a few blocks and enter the mall or walking anywhere, you'll see how the collection of parking disappears magically in a few weeks. Oh no, but until you are able to wait 15 minutes to leave a car that is next to the door of the establishment so as not to walk more. CONTROL YOU HAVE AS A CONSUMER! Why are you so stupid Mexican? Why? You go up the meat, "Oh no pus and so that" we do "have to take even a bistecito to the house," NEL! Soy meat takes two weeks and see. I wish we could do the same with gasoline, but antitrust law Uy that promotes Calderon Pemex does not include chance, or CFE, ie those monopolies do not damage our economy, but Coca-Cola itself.

A no! rete forgot that we should be proud that Pemex is the Mexican pus not help me much!

We ought to give birth to Pemex, arm ourselves with our bikes and oral, to buy your crap Meet The magna, to see! A month without gasoline sales, I get tired of us because we lower it down! A no! but we can not go to ballet class, or the club, or for breakfast with friends Nones, or the weekend at the beach and all that you need the car is a must go to all that and by car. We are well screwed but all of Easter fill your tanquesotes the Tsuru, the Pacer, the Hummer to pay to keep getting fatter casetotas the government as if it had been necessary to go on holiday. Mexican Follow him, continues to reap what you sow, what you deserve, indifference to waste stupid.

It requires your local MP to vote against tax increases, he is your representative, is obliged to listen and take your requests to the highest levels Do you even know who is your constituency MP? No pus! but if you know who came out on TV a month ago NOTES. The literature sold in the country! But Mrs. pendeja follow him! cultívese well.

If civil disobedience is not enough get organized, join your children and go to the fight. The rights are won, ten eggs fight them, at least for your children.

.... But, I almost forgot, Mexico is the country nothing happens, do not even think you have the guts to forward this email, maybe there are others that if they do.

Mors est vitae Bona quae exstinguit homini bad ...

Alvar Lopez Bernal ...

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