Monday, September 10, 2012

Home Business Tips - Plug and Play, my foot!

I ran my own business at home for nearly seven years. At that time, I've seen it all. But I must tell you, I am sick and tired of the BS I see filling my inbox on a daily basis. The last is the reason for this article / rant, or what you will. If you can not handle a little 'cold, hard truth, you probably do not want to read what happens next.

Today, I received an email with the subject: "You Plug And Play money making system." Within the email you about how you can make $ 1,000 a week without a product web site, alone or anything for that matter. Just plug it in and watching the money pouring from the sky. Reminds me of when I started buying lottery tickets in the 70s, because I thought I was going to hit the pick 6 and win millions of dollars. I'm still waiting.

Okay, I set the record on this plug and play, do things at all. It 'a lot of hog wash. It's nothing but hype and does not work. There is nothing, and I refer in line, where nothing you can just sit and watch the money fall from the sky. If you believe, I have a plot to sell dirt cheap. I'll even throw in a lawn mower so you can cut the grass. The truth is, earning a living online takes work ... lots of it.

For starters, it's better to have a product ... and a darn good. People do not buy more pet rocks. If you want to make significant sales, you must have something people want. And these days, with the miserable economy, it better be something you desperately want. People who are drowning in credit card debt are prime candidates for a product that will get out of debt, especially one that really works. Forget to sell your ebook little 'how to grow radishes. In the grand scheme of things, nobody cares.

After producing, it is better to have a nice professional web site to send them to. People are sick and tired of those sites that try to look like someone shit out of elementary school designed them. You need something that looks good. Vai a site like WebMD. ECCO professional.

But not all. Just because you have a fancy looking site online does not mean that people are going to flock to it. There are millions of sites out there for every niche. Your site is just one of those millions. If you want people to do on your site, then they should be there. There are only two ways to do it. Or you pay for traffic that goes through something like Adwords or media buys, or you build your way slowly through the optimization of search engines and content, such as writing and distributing articles. The first method is fast but expensive. The second way is cheap, but slow as molasses. Choose your poison.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is better to have a good system of product delivery and excellent customer support. What do you think people are just going to buy your product and you'll never hear from them again? People will have questions ... a lot of questions. I receive e-mail customer service a day. And when you do them, it is best to respond in a timely manner. People do not like being kept waiting.

There's more ... much more. But I do not want to turn this article into a novel. The point is, plug and play is a myth. If you think you're going to start and run a home business that requires no work, do yourself a favor.

Go get a job at a McDonalds.

I hear you can get free food if you are an employee.

To Your Success,

Steven Wagenheim...

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