Friday, September 7, 2012

Important safety guidelines for specific cylinders d 'for the home oxygen

Several lines of oxygen are logical and, as in fact, typical. But do not assume you know everything, please refresh your knowledge. The assistant (or patient), you must know the basic rules for incredibly safe home oxygen cylinders. Whatever you need to know about your oxygen equipment must always be fresh in your mind, just in case.

From the most complex to the simplest details, mistakes can happen at virtually any time, and domestic accidents are very common. Do not let your oxygen equipment become the cause of a preventable catastrophe. The main concern of this article is the safety of the patient, guardian or guardians, and the house in which they live. Please take note of the information provided here seriously if you use or intend to use any kind of a - of medical oxygen equipment at home in the near future.

1. Be sure to use some kind of oxygen concentrator, if you do not need to be concerned about filling or re-fill the tank of oxygen. An oxygen concentrator may never be filled. Usually divides, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases within the air around the room or other space. However, as you probably know, these are not made to be portable oxygen delivery systems. Concentrated oxygen tanks are cheap, readily available, and need to be recharged.

2. If you have tanks of liquid oxygen, make sure you know exactly what to do to fill it - as well as instructions specific to that particular piece of oxygen equipment. This recommendation is not to be taken lightly. I highly recommend that you are not only familiar with this information - but it is stored.

3. Liquid oxygen is also very portable. But, above all, if you use portable liquid oxygen in small tanks is necessary to have a large reservoir of oxygen available in the house. You can use a large tank of liquid oxygen tanks to refill smaller, and providing the freedom you want.

4. If you have a large tank (and small) of liquid oxygen, always make sure that the large liquid oxygen tank is pretty full - and always have a back - up for the administration of oxygen in an emergency. The best back - up method will probably be recommended by your doctor.

5. If it ever occurs, contact your supplier of oxygen to the moment you notice any damage to the equipment of oxygen.

6. Always have a portable oxygen (most likely a tank), prepared or compiled in case you have to go somewhere in a hurry.

7. Never smoke, having sources of high temperature, or fires of any kind near or around your equipment of oxygen. Although I know of no reason why it should be necessary - is still highly recommended to put the warning signs, such as 'no smoking' signs wherever oxygen is stored.

8. Have phone numbers handy. Keep manufacturer's hotline at home as far away from home for 24 hours emergency assistance with medical equipment.

If you have oxygen equipment of any kind can not be afraid to ask if you are unsure of anything regarding the use or safety. Always consult the manufacturer, the pharmacist (or provider) and / or your doctor if you have any questions whatsoever. Even if you feel weird asking for what you believe are simple questions, you need to know the answers.

In addition to the information I have provided here, you must follow your doctor's instructions and manufacturers' and they know how you know each of the indications given above. You can avoid potential complications with life - life-saving equipment such as oxygen tanks. Medical science and advanced medical equipment can certainly improve a patient's life - but only if the potential complications are carefully avoided.

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