Thursday, July 26, 2012
Integral Training and Education in Values
The Cuban teachers have a long tradition that comes initially with Felix Valera, Jose Antonio Saco, José de la Luz y Caballero, Felipe Poey and Domingo del Monte, the creative pentarchy.
The elective nature of valereano thought, based on the art of reasoning and experience, allowed himself to chart a Cuban thought. Necessarily, this approach involved the development of a conscience in Cuba, not because of the nation but by a desire to create. Jose Antonio Saco y Lopez., Eminent student of Felix Valera, was the most powerful political figure in theoretical and conceptual liberal reformist movement of the 1830s. In a deep sense of nationalism, was a sharp critic of the colonial system and the brightest opposition to statehood movement: "I never bow my head before the shining star American flag."
Among the schools that achieved such popularity over the years following the San Cristobal de la Habana, better known as Carraguas, founded by Antonio Casas. This school had been led by Jose de la Luz y Caballero between 1833 and 1836, and since 1846 by Rafael Navarro.
They should also mention El Salvador, encouraged by Luz y Caballero himself in Havana, the Company, in the city of Matanzas, where Eusebio, Antonio and Pedro José Guiteras-the latter, the author of the first History of Cuba for educational purposes, and another school in Santiago de Cuba, founded by Juan Bautista Sagarra. Among these institutions is the school San Anacleto, Rafael Sixto Married in Havana, where he studied José Martí, and the small school where Rizo Mariano and Juan Portuondo, in Santiago de Cuba, showed to Antonio Maceo. Along with the history of Cuba Guiteras, students had the first geography of the country written by Cuban scientist Felipe Poey.
Created awareness of the possibility the Cuban nation, then it is possible its manifestation, science and awareness of reality, forming the work of man, the patriot and the citizen, education, moral unblemished in life and consistently with what you think : Creating a free and just society from a collective consciousness and patriotic, born from the formation within each man. That was the patriotic work which had begun Felix Varela, a vast work of creation science science, consciousness and mentalities that was planted deep roots that germinated in the Cuban nation. Varela and Luz Caballero Caballero Light and Rafael Maria de Mendive, José Martí Mendive is the chain links that, step by step, besieged the cusp of fundamental thought Cuban those ideas were formed men, men capable of patriotic nation building.
The essential features that characterized Cuban education in all historical periods has been: Specify that the purpose of education should be aimed at the formation of man in its most broad and high concept. The whole man to think, feel, value, do, act and above all love. The unifying center of this interest has been training in the moral sphere. Do not forget that Cuban education was developed from its origins, in open battle for the formation and defense of the Cuban conscience, against powerful forces of these solvents.
Formed values were put into evidence a tangible way during the Ten Years War, unforgettable examples of selflessness, courage, love of country, are made throughout the race. The heroism of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, Ignacio Agramonte, Antonio and Jose Maceo and so many other Cubans, filled memorable pages of our history, in which noble women also rose to the height of the brave men. Sublime expressions of patriotism also spawn Mariana Grajales, mother of the Maceo, Lucia Iñiguez, Ana Quesada, Canducha Figueredo, among other illustrious patriots who gave all for independence.
Enrique Jose Varona was a famous philosopher, sociologist and educator estomaguero, who managed to form an educational theory based on the philosophical, sociological and psychological Spencerian positivism court. Worried about the full and comprehensive training of the student, considering that education should contribute to "the formation of moral habits, the better development of the human body, intelligence and development of appropriate and rational expression of feelings and emotions of each child, where the moral choice. "
The educational methods for the formation of values are based on the teacher must scrutinizing gaze to meet the child, subject and object of education. Only then can education fully.
"The best teacher will never be the wiser, but at the same time, more benevolent, the wisest, the most delicate, that the austerity of science a dignity of character. No kindness, no discretion, no education is possible at home or in school. "
The tradition in shaping values became flesh and blood in the generation of 53, which reopened the road to melt the Martian thinking of new ideas of Marxism. He threw the fight. It was the Revolution.
The revolutionary process itself has been a great source for the formation of the new values. All institutions of society must contribute to this, and especially the school. The concept of "new man", conceived by Che, is a strong impetus to the objectives of education.
The formation of values should remain the center of the country's educational concern.
First, a foolproof exemplary teacher with an ethical sense of responsibility and unconditional (the basis of the success of the educational and political-ideological, lies in the exemplary teacher and teaching the entire group).
The teacher assumes a dual role in the teaching-learning process. On the one hand, it must become a facilitator of this, and secondly, to direct in accordance with certain training objectives.
The cardinal objective of Cuban education is - from the School to the University - to train men comprehensive, creative and competent, so be it educators and their mission is to act as guides, counselors and guardians of their students, work should strengthen the daily work with scientific arguments, teaching and contributing ideas from their experiences, training and experience.
The integral formation of students is a gradual process of enrichment of personality in the social situation that characterizes their developmental stage. From it flow down certain influences and relationships, which in close link with the individual peculiarities already acquired by the student, are the main expression of all that constitutes a source of development on the stage.
Integral Formation is a process of preparing the student for the future, in particular preparation in his profession, which is run and in the process itself becomes self-directed, depending on the features that make the essential relationships that develop between students, school group and their organizations and teachers.
The socio-political work they do in particular student organization, is based on the socio-political and economic being experienced by our country. The success of the educational work depends on the preparation of the teacher to assume this role, because the more and better master the ways and means of educational methods, the more effective its influence, as opposed to saying you can only learn to not to teach and educate. It should always be considered the model professional who wants to be in terms of social needs, to ensure the relevance of the training system.
The best teacher is that while instructs, educates, and not to concentrate solely on the work instructive, thinking that education is for others. "Can anyone instruct, educate one who is a living gospel," said Jose de la Luz y Caballero. This reinforces the ethical principle proven pedagogical practice in education, "to educate is to be an example."
José Martí defined education as "enabling men to get with ease and honesty are essential livelihood at the time there, without lowering aspirations so delicate and spiritual above the best part of being human."
Fidel defined: "Education is everything, is to sow values, is to develop an ethic, an attitude towards life. Education is planting feelings."
Enrique José Varona defined it as follows: "To enrich the intelligence is good, useful, it is indispensable. It is also strengthening the body, train the hand and sharpen the senses. But do all this, there is still the best thing to do: Gently form the heart, wisely directed behavior, temper the character. "
Neglecting values education in schools and in our homes is a risk in a world alien to the socialist character to be formed on the island, from a behavioral system that consolidates forms of positive action aimed at root social and historical values now define the Cuban society.
Forming caring and responsible citizens, respectful of their peers, lovers and defenders of peace, human rights and democracy has been a permanent objective of the Cuban educational policy. This is not easy to get immersed as we are in the fundamental global problem of contemporaneity: the marked imbalance in the levels of economic, social and cultural cooperation between regions and countries and within countries themselves, the primary cause of violence in many people live.
Family values among family members are established affinity relationships involving feelings, affections and interests which are based on mutual respect of people. The family is the community where children are taught from the values and the proper use of freedom. The personal and family stability are the foundations of freedom, security and fraternity within society. This is why it starts in the family social life.
It is in the family where values are taught first, values that will sustain for life in society and throughout the life of the person. Among others are the following:
Generosity is one of the values that are fostered in family life. Understand the act of generosity for others selflessly and with joy. Doing something for others can be translated in different ways, for example, how to give, give toys, give time to listen and attend to another family member, waving, forgive.
You will notice a generous attitude in a person who strives to make life pleasant for other family members.
Respect the other members is one of the values that are fostered within the family, not just respect for the individual, but also their opinions and feelings. Respect the things of the other members, for privacy, respect for their decisions, they, of course, appropriate to the age of the person. Is in the family where the child learns that he or she and her ideas and feelings deserve respect and are valued.
Justice is encouraged within the family to set corresponding to each member of it. Remember that justice consists in giving to each what they deserve. A person who constantly strives to respect the rights of others and gives to each what is due, has the virtue of justice.
Responsibility means accepting the consequences of one's actions, not only to oneself but to others. For a person to be responsible must be aware of their duties and obligations, is therefore of great importance that children have their responsibilities and obligations clear. For example, the child should be clear that quality is their responsibility and effort in their studies, they should put more work and effort into this activity for their own benefit and in response to the opportunity provided by their parents.
The development of children is responsibility of the educational process, this view of the involvement of children first in family life, social life and later, in a responsible and autonomous.
Loyalty comes when you accept ties that bind us to others, so that it seeks to strengthen and safeguard these ties and the values they represent. The acceptance and recognition of this link is not focused toward the future, as a possibility but a reality. This link does not pass with time, is deep, is ripened and strengthened over time.
In the family's rise and strengthen these links, for example, a young child learns to be loyal to strive to help others, to try to do everything we can to meet what their parents say it is good. It shows loyalty between brothers to support, defend and help with the difficulties, the threat to persons or circumstances beyond the family.
It should be clarified to be loyal to the parents, for example, does not mean approving a wrong of the same, but the respect and protect your good name, is about being honest with them, as well as help them overcome difficulties.
The same goes for being loyal to the homeland, this is not to hide or deny the evils and deficiencies that may exist in it, but to protect, enhance and participate in the experience of the securities of the same.
Self-esteem is one of the fundamental values for human beings mature, balanced and healthy. This value has its roots and foundations in the family.
Self-esteem means deeper vision that each person has of itself a decisive influence in elections and decision-making, thus forming the kind of life, activities and values we choose.
From childhood we build the concept of ourselves according to messages received from our parents, siblings, relatives, friends and teachers. It is the sum of self-confidence, a sense of our worth and our ability. This is based on the variety of thoughts, feelings, experiences and feelings that we have accumulated throughout our lives, but mainly throughout our childhood and adolescence.
If you want to build a strong and balanced, it is vitally important that as parents we feel our children deserve to be loved with an unconditional, ie not conditional on their behavior, skills or attitudes.
Raising the self esteem of our children is vital as it helps to develop the conviction that is esteemed and valued, which is competent to face life with confidence and optimism, and that is worthy of happiness.
Show in daily life and examples of the story is there are many who claim very clear and objectively confirm José Martí said:
"Being educated is the only way to be free"
"The crusade now be undertaken to reveal to men their own nature, and to provide them with the knowledge of science plain and practical, personal independence that strengthens and promotes the good decorum, the pride of being child friendly and living thing in the grand universe. "
This also ties in with a thought of Marx when he said that the subject becomes objective in relation to others.
This can be achieved on the basis of an education based on the following principles:
-The general culture, understanding their critical first category is justice.
-Ethics, considering that the sun of justice is the moral world.
The right according to the principle Marti: "There is in man the force of right and this is the first state law."
-The policy of solidarity based on the principle Marti: "With all and for the good of all."
This is beginning to forge from an early age and three institutions and this influence can only be done on the foundation of the faculty of associating in an effort to forge a new man.
No one can love what you do not know, what is ignored or not fluent can not awaken feelings of admiration and belonging. In this way a basis the knowledge possessed by students or teachers, to stimulate their aspirations and values and wake up eager to learn from a reflexive attitude in complicity with the cultivation of virtue and love.
Throughout life, people adhere to values of different types, which is part of development and personal freedom. To achieve an ethical framework of plural and harmonious coexistence, based on values shared by all desirably, the school can and should educate those that derive from human rights and, therefore, considered to be universal.
The essential link between science and freedom to José Martí was education. But a new education, other than "mere instruction" or "delinquent way of teaching reading and writing", but "an education that put this machine on rails that is already steaming, roaring through the forest, as it brings in its real guts and unnecessary pain for millions of men. "
Education in Cuba since the 1st. January 1959 has basic principles that distinguish and sustain its socialist character and Marti.
- Character mass and equity in education is a right and a duty for all without distinction of race, creed or place of residence, or universal education. Materialized in the establishment of a comprehensive system of different levels and types of institutions for children, youth and adults, including people with physical and mental limitations.
- Work-study: the linkage study and work, theory and practice, create an awareness of social goods producer, eliminate prejudice resulting from the division of manual and intellectual work.
- The democratic participation of all society in the task of educating society recognizes people as a great school, expresses the popular and democratic character of education, ensuring the participation of various organizations and social institutions, and society in whole in the design of the educational strategy of control levels of society, from the family to the National Assembly (Parliament).
- Education and schools open to diversity guarantees women and men access to training facilities in any of the specialties and professions offered by the education system .- Gender approach expresses the basic right of children and women access the education system by the importance of mother's educational level in the formation of their offspring, as well as a gender approach in all forms of expression of life and training of these values in students.
- The care and school integration differentiated from a profound diagnosis of children, their families and the environment and how it interacts, the State ensured individualized attention of school children according to their needs and possibilities and promotes its peak each.
- Free education is guaranteed by the institution at all levels and types of education, there is a broad system of scholarships for all students and provides many opportunities for workers with free study.
1 - "Some ideas about implementing the integrated approach in the educational project of the brigade." Printed Material. CEDES. Pinar del Rio, 2000.
2 -? Alvarez de Zayas, Carlos and Reinaldo Garcia Blanco (1997). The dialectical contradiction invariant to the structuring of the educational process. In: Journal of Higher Education. CEPES. Havana. p. 21-26.
3 - Days, Teresa of C. (1998) Model for the methodological work of the educational process in the levels of career, discipline and academic year in higher education. Thesis presented in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. CEDES. Pinar del Rio.
4 - Horruitinier Silva, Pedro (2000). "The work of education from the curriculum dimension." In: Electronic journal College Teaching, vol. 5, No 1. Professional Training Department. MES. Havana.
5 - The strategy for political and ideological education work at the university, its relation to the methodological and educational projects. The training of human resources to conduct this work. Document printed ". CEDES. Pinar del Rio, 1999.
6 - Martí, José. "Popular Education." In: Collected Works, Volume 19. Editorial Social Sciences. Havana, 1991. P 375-376.
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