Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The machismo in relationship

Love is above all a feeling, so that to love one must be able to experience emotions.

Many people want to feel loved but remain unrelated to any emotional expression. They think they have to keep all the emotions controlled, being carried away by feelings is a sign of weakness or lack of character. They can not tolerate the emotional intensity, the strong feelings are wrong. They struggle to maintain control of their own feelings and those of your partner.

You can accept that in theory is wonderful, healthy, natural, have feelings, but feel uncomfortable when they have a genuine emotion with intensity.

Within our macho culture such behavior is very common. Manhood is synonymous with hardness and therefore, the feeling is despised by considering women and children.

Who expressed a feeling he can be considered weak and foolish, "Men never cry."

We must learn to control our emotions. To live in a civilized world accept orders and we can not give vent to all that we feel, we must have an emotional education.

But if all emotional expression is repressed, we could easily be psychopaths. That expression is required for our psychological well being and to maintain satisfactory relationships.

In machismo there are feelings that belong to other men and women. There are emotions that are more "feminine" and look better in women, the compassion, kindness, humility and natural romantic love. Other emotions are the male domain, the ambition, pride, arrogance, anger. Anger is one of the few emotions men "legitimate". The man can vent their anger on others, she must suppress and dominate.

It is perhaps for this reason that most people serving sentences for violent crimes are men, while the majority of patients in psychotherapy and internal mental health clinics are women.

When someone hurts your feelings, rather than mourn man gets angry and explodes in anger, she breaks into tears and pain.

Culturally we have taken different behaviors, ways of being that have made our self-esteem is not healthy. Self-esteem based on the position "I'm OK you're wrong."

In an exaggerated machismo, man is one who can flirt, have adventures, romances, without the woman may rebuke this behavior. This situation made the woman look for her release and within the feminist movement made great progress but equally extreme it was brought other problems in the relationship.

Not that the woman does not have the same rights of man and can not take all decisions and do many things that our culture only allowed men. What to look for is the balance and order between the different responsibilities of men and women.

Among such people, many women assume they have played the role of "man of the house." Due to circumstances beyond its control, the disappearance or abandonment of the father, from an early age they have had to take care of the needs of the house, taking responsibility to care for their siblings.

They tend to be hard on themselves, but are hungry for the love and tenderness that did not receive in childhood. The role play has touched them at home, often not allowed to give or receive affection.

Interestingly, many people with emotional eating, overeating calms the anxiety or consecrated to a life of sacrifice.

In the macho culture, is the woman who has allowed men to take this behavior as a mother has instilled in their sons and daughters.

And to improve your relationship starting from your self-esteem, I invite you to subscribe to my FREE course: "Self-esteem of the center to the periphery."

Click the following link for more information on the FREE mini-course:


For your peace of mind,

Bernard Silver.

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