Monday, August 20, 2012

Books introducing your child while in the womb is not as silly as it sounds

When the first suggestion is made for new mothers that they must speak and read books to their children while they are still in the womb often seems ridiculous to make a suggestion.

However, introduce your child to books and chat with them before birth is not as stupid as it sounds. The children start learning the language while they are still in the womb.

While in the womb, the child learns to identify with the mother, recognizing his voice and associate it with being safe and warm and by the time a child is born has already made its first steps towards learning the language. A child will have heard the voice of his mother and learned from the books he had read and will already be well aware of what his mother sounds like the day he enters the world.

A newborn will pay more attention to the voice of every other sound. He loves to hear the voice of his mother and appreciate the attention that comes from the books his mother read to him every day.

It's never too early to start reading books for your child and introduce your child to books for children. Before you start reading faster your child will learn and before you introduce your child to books for children as quickly as your child associate objects with words.

Your child will usually speak his first words about five - six months of age. Just simple words, one syllable, but the words that mean something very special in your child's life, which is why the first words of a child are so often mama or dada.

Once the child has uttered his first words and the others follow quickly with your child learning a few words each month. If you read books for your child before he is born again and use children's books to help your baby items associated with the words early age faster the child learns his first words and learn to communicate.

If you give your baby a good start in life, make sure to always respond when your child begins to communicate, talk to your child as you go about your daily chores, read books for your child, spend time with your child shows him pictures in books for children simple and tell him what the pictures are, to repeat the same words and show him the books for the children themselves over and over again .......

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