Sunday, August 5, 2012

Signs And Symptoms Of Depression You Should Know Before Reaching a conclusion

Each year, approximately 9.5% of Americans suffer from depression. Depression is a serious disease that affects our lives and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, insomnia, mood swings and a feeling of despair.

Symptoms of depression are varied and gravity changes over time. And, experts say, may be an inherited disorder or caused by disease or stress. Other causes include diseases, drugs, drugs, alcohol or mental illness. Women experience depression more often than men due to hormonal changes, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, miscarriages, pre-menopause and menopause.

Signs and symptoms of depression are common:

1. An unshakeable sadness, anxiety or emptiness.

2. Pessimistic thoughts and great despair.

3. Extreme guilt, feelings of powerlessness and low self-esteem.

4. Loss of energy, slowing metabolism and constant fatigue.

5. Feeling of powerlessness, lack of ability to concentrate.

6. Insomnia and sleep loss.

7. Unexplained loss or gain weight due to lack of appetite or overeating.

8. Suicidal wishes and melancholy.

9. Irritability, moodiness and sadness.

10. Disorders such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain for no apparent reason.

If any of the signs and symptoms of depression before with a change in behavior should consult your doctor. You do an exam to rule out physical causes of depression or any other medical problems. If you ask will give you an appointment with a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Take action on the matter and remove negativity from your mind. Cut to what causes you fatigue, low self-esteem and hopelessness. Get a goal to change your life, try to relax, meditate and enjoy the music.

If you want to see how I could get out of my depression and achieve a natural balance, just click here.

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